It's way too easy to get swept up in the seriousness of life. Don't you agree?
So here's a reminder to be a little lighter hearted, to do things that make you laugh, to take time to occasionally be a kid.
Have a magical day, and win a book below!
Speaking of fun, you can win an AMAZING book from one of the funnest people I've had the pleasure of knowing online (and it has nothing to do with our matching first names):
Since her release from the psychiatric facility and into the smothering guardianship of her aunt, twenty-one-year-old psychic Tatum Torabi has been sneaking away to sell curses and plagues in the underground, a black market known for illegal and supernatural wares.
Tatum’s unique abilities catch the attention of a hella-creepy trash peddler who offers her a job tracking down people who owe his boss “a favor.” She couldn’t be less interested, but when she refuses, the company forces her compliance by threatening the lives of the only family she has left.
Because tracking barely scratches the surface of what they really want from her. There’s a reason Tatum is so good at making curses, and they want her to use those skills for a much darker purpose.
Krystal Jane is the author of supernatural and paranormal fiction. She lives in the Tennessee Valley with a collection of swords and daggers. She hopes have a full fledged collection of medieval weapons one day.
When she's not hoarding stuffed pandas, hourglasses, and Hello Kitty replicas, she can be found drinking chai tea, knee deep in Sudoku, in a YouTube hole, or blogging about books, writing, and random things at
Krystal loves cheese but can't eat it so much anymore so she saves it for special dishes like Panera's Fuji Apple Chicken Salad with Gouda. Otherwise she dives into her new vegan favorite: Follow Your Heart Vegan Parmesan Shreds - makes the best pizza for people who can't eat cheese!
1. I once got lost in England, alone, at night, by myself. I was coming back from seeing Phantom of the Opera at the Royal Opera House in London and went out a different exit than planned. I found by way back by following signs for the British Museum as my hotel was off an adjoining street. I only ran into three weirdos.
2. I once got lost in Spain coming back from Castle Alcazar in Segovia. I wandered around the mountains for a couple of hours looking at the pretty scenery before growing tired and taking a trolley to the cemetery across from the hotel, which was the closest he could get me on his route.
3. I once got lost in Switzerland. I got distracted by the pretty buildings on the way to see the famous Lion Monument in Lucerne. I lost my tour group, and was found by the trip director on my way back to the prison hotel who took me on a walking tour of the city while he ran some errands.
So sleuths, which is the lie? If you could abandon life today, what kid-like behavior would you engage in? Have you met Krystal Jane? Do you like paranormal books?
So here's a reminder to be a little lighter hearted, to do things that make you laugh, to take time to occasionally be a kid.
1. Because...Oooh! Bouncy!
It's way too easy to get paranoid about taking risks or looking silly.
2. Your inner child is DYING to come out.
No seriously! If you don't let it out occasionally, it will die.
(And who doesn't miss playing in the ball pit?)
3. Sometimes you just have to go for it. Let the consequences be what they are!
(I wonder how many times he washed those pants and still found leaves hiding in them.)
4. Allow yourself to occasionally be silly on the job!
A little groove goes a long way.
5. We all want to be Superman. I mean, er, fly!
You can't fly with out the danger of falling/crashing.
AND NOW, don't forget that
Two weeks ago, Liz Long shared SUPERNOVA along with two truths and one lie. Anyone who guessed was entered to win an eBook.
The game:
1. I've appeared as a Jeopardy contestant.
2. I have interviewed Kevin Costner and Bill Maher.
3. I was once involved in an FBI case.
The game:

2. I have interviewed Kevin Costner and Bill Maher.
3. I was once involved in an FBI case.
The lie: #1.
From Liz: My husband and I love Jeopardy; I've always loved it to be honest, watching it almost every night growing up. We're those people who shout the answers at the TV because we're so excited when we know it. Maybe one day I'll be on there, but it would have to be one of those specific ones, like College Jeopardy...Author Jeopardy? ;)
From Liz: My husband and I love Jeopardy; I've always loved it to be honest, watching it almost every night growing up. We're those people who shout the answers at the TV because we're so excited when we know it. Maybe one day I'll be on there, but it would have to be one of those specific ones, like College Jeopardy...Author Jeopardy? ;)
And the winner is:
Congrats, Tyrean!
Speaking of fun, you can win an AMAZING book from one of the funnest people I've had the pleasure of knowing online (and it has nothing to do with our matching first names):
Since her release from the psychiatric facility and into the smothering guardianship of her aunt, twenty-one-year-old psychic Tatum Torabi has been sneaking away to sell curses and plagues in the underground, a black market known for illegal and supernatural wares.
Tatum’s unique abilities catch the attention of a hella-creepy trash peddler who offers her a job tracking down people who owe his boss “a favor.” She couldn’t be less interested, but when she refuses, the company forces her compliance by threatening the lives of the only family she has left.
Because tracking barely scratches the surface of what they really want from her. There’s a reason Tatum is so good at making curses, and they want her to use those skills for a much darker purpose.
Buy your copy on Amazon.
Ready to meet the author?
When she's not hoarding stuffed pandas, hourglasses, and Hello Kitty replicas, she can be found drinking chai tea, knee deep in Sudoku, in a YouTube hole, or blogging about books, writing, and random things at
Krystal loves cheese but can't eat it so much anymore so she saves it for special dishes like Panera's Fuji Apple Chicken Salad with Gouda. Otherwise she dives into her new vegan favorite: Follow Your Heart Vegan Parmesan Shreds - makes the best pizza for people who can't eat cheese!
Krystal gave me two truths and one lie to test your "lie detector" skills. If you guess the lie, right or wrong, you will be entered to win an A bookmark, print copy of NO REST FOR THE WICKED, and dark fantasy coloring book. (Open internationally.) IF YOU DON'T HAVE A BLOGGER ACCOUNT WITH AN EMAIL ON THE PROFILE, PLEASE LEAVE YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS IN THE COMMENTS OR EMAIL IT TO WITH YOUR SCREEN ALIAS.
You have until Tuesday, June 6th at 2 p.m. EDT to guess. Be sure to come back for the answer on June 7, 8 a.m. EDT.
1. I once got lost in England, alone, at night, by myself. I was coming back from seeing Phantom of the Opera at the Royal Opera House in London and went out a different exit than planned. I found by way back by following signs for the British Museum as my hotel was off an adjoining street. I only ran into three weirdos.
2. I once got lost in Spain coming back from Castle Alcazar in Segovia. I wandered around the mountains for a couple of hours looking at the pretty scenery before growing tired and taking a trolley to the cemetery across from the hotel, which was the closest he could get me on his route.
3. I once got lost in Switzerland. I got distracted by the pretty buildings on the way to see the famous Lion Monument in Lucerne. I lost my tour group, and was found by the trip director on my way back to the prison hotel who took me on a walking tour of the city while he ran some errands.
So sleuths, which is the lie? If you could abandon life today, what kid-like behavior would you engage in? Have you met Krystal Jane? Do you like paranormal books?
That dog in the pool pf balls is having a blast! Clever idea.
ReplyDeleteKrystal Jane gets lost a lot! I'll just guess the second one.
OMG I would love to run around in those bubbles! I've seen people roll down hills in them and that would be a blast.
ReplyDelete#3 is the lie.
The guys on the back of the garbage truck totally cracked me up! How much fun were they having and how many smiles did they bring about during their work day? :)
ReplyDeleteI'm in a good mood now :)
ReplyDeleteI want to jump into a pile of leaves that huge! I feel sorry for whoever had to rake them though. Hehehe! Yay for Krystal! I'm thinking the lie is #3. I get lost a lot too.
ReplyDeleteI'm guilty. It doesn't take much to get me all serious and grumpy. :( Thanks for sharing these. Love the garbage truck!
ReplyDeleteMy kids did those ball things at a festival last year. It was funny.
ReplyDeleteDefinitely need fun in one's life.
ReplyDeleteI could never jump into a heap of leaves! My cats love to poop in them!
ReplyDeleteHi Crystal - the ball 'games' look to be tremendous fun ... would love to watch sometime! I love life and am always laughing when I get a chance ... Yes - good luck to Krystal - she obviously have a problem re getting lost ... # 3 getting lost in Switzerland ... easy to get distracted ... cheers Hilary
ReplyDeleteI did need a laugh. Well done. I am now ready to get my day started.
ReplyDelete"Unicorn!" ^_^ Love these! I would love to be driving behind that garbage truck. That would make my day! So, would playing in bubbles like that. That's gotta be one of the funnest things to do.
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for letting me crash your page today! ^_^
I would love to jump in that pile of leaves! That looks like so much fun :-)
ReplyDeleteKrystal's book sounds like a very fun read. I'm so intrigued!
ReplyDeleteI'm going to go with getting lost in London as the lie. Only three weirdos in a city that large? That seems unlikely. :D
See, I have a ball pit in my kids' room. Don't tell anyone if I occasionally sneak in and play around. ;)
ReplyDeleteLove this post. Those videos rocked. As for jumping in the pile of leaves--I could never do that. We had a dog growing up, and you know what landmines ended up in the leaves. :(
ReplyDeleteThat pile of leaves looks awesome!
ReplyDeleteMy coworkers and I can usually only be silly when the boss isn't around...
Oh yes must listen to our inner child, too much seriousness around sometimes! I'm going to guess #1. Phantom of Opera is my fave musical.
ReplyDeleteSo for that dog, it really is rainbows all the time :)
ReplyDeleteThose garbage men really made me giggle. If you can't have fun at what you're doing, than it's time to find something else to do.
Elsie Amata
Thanks I really, really needed that. :-)
ReplyDeleteAnna from elements of emaginette
What a fun post. I want to do all those things.
ReplyDeleteI'm going to guess #2. Why not.
Have a fabulous day. ☺
That is one giant pile of leaves. I probably would have jumped in it, too.
ReplyDeleteI'm guessing that #2 is the lie, but I'm never right about these things. :)
Hilarious post! Thank you for the smile today. It was fun! I pictured myself taking the Neste plunge into those leaves or the ball pit. Not sure if my sinuses could take the rolling around in the hamster ball though. My kids
ReplyDeleteI'm going to say...#3 is the lie.
ReplyDeleteI really want to jump in a bouncy house now. Do they make those for adults?
Ooh I wish I had a pile of leaves to jump in! Unfortunately very few trees here lose their leaves in winter so there is a distinct lack of leaf-piles.
ReplyDeleteI'm guessing #3 is the lie. It's hard this week! They all sound very plausible.
Krystal Jane needs to "meet" MJ Fifield. They have similar tastes in weaponry.
ReplyDeleteLie... I guess I'll go with #2.
Congrats to the authors with new releases. Thank you for reminding me to be a little silly today, Crystal. I really need that these days.
ReplyDeleteYes, we need silliness and fun!!! Thank you, Crystal!
ReplyDeleteI already purchased a copy of No Rest for the Weekend, but I'm still guessing that #2 is the lie. (just a guess)
The books sound great, ladies. Wishing you both much success.
ReplyDeleteCrystal, loved these, especially the trash collectors:)
No problem with my inner child. Most of the time, she's in charge. :)
ReplyDeleteKrystal sounds like my kinda gal. I haven't been to ANY of those places, but I bet I could easily get lost in all three of them. (Heck, I can darned near do that in my own neighborhood...) I'll say #3 is the fib.
Yes! I could use some fun today. I just ate a slice of cheddar cheese, but could use some more excitement (the good kind!) in my day. :) Nice to meet Krystal - thanks for the intro!
ReplyDeleteI think the lie is #2.
ReplyDeleteThose dancing trash men are hilarious.
We do need to have fun! One of my the reasons I think teaching is the best job in the world :)
ReplyDeleteThe clear plastic balls look like fun! We used to roll down the street when I was a kid in our red wagon. We even knew how to steer into our driveway with the single black handle. I could do that today.
ReplyDeleteA stressful day too. It's finals at my work. Lots of grading. One student didn't show up to take my final. I wanted her to pass. :(
I'm having surgery on my deviated septum and polyps. I guess the ENT can't see any sinuses, and I have the worst septum he's seen. I just hope he doesn't hit my eyes, or bone by my brain. Ekkk!
Thanks for an important reminder, Crystal! I would gladly do any of those things right now! I am picking #2 as a lie. I hope that you are feeling well!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the magical wishes today, Crystal.
ReplyDeleteLike Krystal, I love Panera and suduko, too.
I don't know which of Krystal's adventures was a lie, but I'm very envious of her travels. Thanks for the smiles today.
ReplyDeleteOh yes, I need some fun. The play I am co-producing and running the front of house is stressing me out too much. It's been fun though and Sunday it will be over and I'll be free to have fun. Yay!
ReplyDeleteWell done Tyrean you lucky devil you, No3 sounds logical and thats good enough for me.
ReplyDeleteA little fun is always needed every day.
ReplyDeleteWonderful words of wisdom, Crystal! Thank you so much for sharing.
ReplyDeleteAh! I love these gifs so much! They made me smile.
ReplyDeleteThanks for these gifs! I needed to smile today!
ReplyDeleteMy inner child is frequently the healthiest and happiest part of me. She isn't small either.
ReplyDeleteBubbles and balloons. I can never go part either of them.
Yes laughter and joy is a great tonic. Wow what an interesting bundle of stories. Powerful stuff! I think 2 is the lie?
ReplyDeleteJust the reminder I needed this week :-)
ReplyDeleteOMG, love these Gifs!! Laughter makes us feel so much better. I'll have to put a blanket by the treadmill so my grand babies can have fun! hahaaa....
ReplyDeleteJumping in leaves is still fun!
ReplyDeleteI guess #1.
I'll save the kid magic for another day. Have to adult today. 5 inches of snow so far, more coming. Hopefully we'll be safe driving to school. It's almost June for heaven's sake!
ReplyDeleteI'm guessing #3 is the lie.
ReplyDeleteLove the gif's. I guess 3.
ReplyDeleteI'm a nanny for three kids. Seeing them every day is often the highlight of my week. They always remind me to enjoy life and seeing these from a different, often happier more fun perspective. Great post. :)
ReplyDeleteThanks for the pep talk, Crystal. I'm guessing #1 - mostly because 'coming back from seeing Phantom of the Opera' makes me green with envy. Great giveaway Krystal. Thanks for the opportunity.
ReplyDeleteI'm guessing #2 is the lie. And yes, we all need to laugh and be kids to keep going!
ReplyDeleteI absolutely believe #1 is the lie because I do it all the time! If there are two exits, you can be sure I will come out of the ‘wrong’ one and just to make sure I’m completely lost I also turn the ‘wrong’ way!
ReplyDeleteThe ‘dancers on the dustcart’ must have had everyone smiling!
Love the guys on the garbage truck. If they can have fun doing that job I certainly can find more fun in my life LOL.
ReplyDeleteKrystal's truth or lies are so fun I want to read her book just from reading them. I will guess #3 as the lie.
Those leaves look like a lot of fun, and they even stay with you for a very long time!
ReplyDeleteHey, I want to play that bouncy game! :-) Great post, Crystal, and Krystal's book sounds like a winner. :-)Oh, and of course, she has a great first name.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations, Krystal.
ReplyDeleteI'm still a kid at heart. I like to play ball with my fur babies, watch kiddie movies and read kid books.
#1 is my pick.
A fun post, Crystal.
I'm showing this to my wife. She's having a little bit of surgery on her hand today and she'll appreciate the humor.
ReplyDeleteI love the gif of the man jumping into the leaves. I would totally do that (and probably end up with a bad case of poison ivy).
ReplyDeleteI think #2 is the lie. Just guessing.
So true! We all need to have fun to keep us sane.
ReplyDeleteThank you!!! Great post! Big Hugs!!!
ReplyDeleteSometimes I get so caught up in my work that I keep putting off having fun; I know I should let myself have fun more often because even I get stressed out and frustrated when I do nothing but work.
ReplyDeleteI think my inner child is feeling pretty good. I keep her stocked up with action figures and comic books, but I think we'd both like to dress up in crazy clothes and ride ski lifts more.
ReplyDeleteAs for the paranormal, yes, I like it.
If I had to guess, and I do, I'd say the lie is #2.
All the best to Krystal on her release.
Thanks for the cheerful post. Krystal Jane seems to be good at getting lost, but sometimes that makes for the most interesting experiences! I'll go for #3.
ReplyDeleteI want a pile of leaves that big!!!
ReplyDeleteI've always been a kid at heart. I don't think I ever grew up. But even then, it's good to get the reminder when things start piling up.
Big kid at heart over here! ;)
ReplyDeleteThanks for the funny gifs. They made me want to find a tub of colorful balls or a pile of leaves or whatever to dive into.
ReplyDeleteIf I didn't have a bad back, I would so been in one of those bouncy balls playing a game of soccer. lol
ReplyDeleteI'll say #2 is a lie.
ReplyDeleteI'm all for doing silly things. I would have been the second person in that pile of leaves!
I love being silly. I loved jumping in leaves as a child. I think I would love it now- but I don't rake. :) Those bouncy bubble things look like a ton of fun. Thanks for the reminder to let loose. :)
I'm going to say #3 is the lie, just because a quick scan showed more people thought #2 was. :p I love having silly fun, but I need to loosen up with my kids more, I think.
ReplyDeleteYou are right we have to find fun in every day. Being silly is a healthy thing. Laughing. Playing. All healthy things to do that we all too often are too busy to do. :(
ReplyDeleteThat guy sure knows how to shake his butt. You would almost believe he actually loves his job! As for my inner child, it's always dying to come out. It's embarassing. ;)
ReplyDeleteAll for being lighthearted! And that's a cool Gothic coloring book :)
ReplyDeleteFun? What's that? XD
ReplyDeleteAnd Krystal's book sounds amazing!
Hello my cheese-loving friend! Hope you're doing well.
ReplyDeleteI have jumped in many piles of leaves, and had several injuries as a result (branches...). The dog in the ballpit, I thought it was a bowl of Trix cereal from the 90's.
I'll say 3 for the lie. I love paranormal stuff (books, movie, tv, tourist-trap-tours...). If/ when I abandon "adulthood," I'm up in a tree, usually reading. Given the lack of "grown-ups" I know who still climb trees, I'll assume it's a child behavior.
I try to see the beauty in everything. Sometimes,that's HARD to do, but it makes life just a little better when everything looks bleak.
ReplyDeleteThe first part of this post made me smile. Thanks for sharing!
ReplyDeleteThose bubble things crack me up. My son wanted one of those, but we haven't gotten it yet. Seeing that pile of leaves makes me want to jump in it!
ReplyDeleteCrystal, I love your message, we all need to take a step back and just enjoy something silly without caring what anyone else thinks... xox...
ReplyDeleteI hope you are doing well, it has bee a couple of months since I have been around, I have been dealing with my health that was depressing me, I think I am on the right track, now to get back to being healthy... slowly xox
... visiting from Sandra's blog.
ReplyDeleteThe first part of your post made me smile, thanks.
All the best Jan
Great advice, and my mood is already brighter. Thanks!
ReplyDeletehaha - Thanks for the reminder, my inner child comes out to play when I least expect it :)
ReplyDeleteI think I'm on the opposite side of things. What if I never take things seriously? What if I always act like a little kid?
ReplyDeleteI guess what I'm saying is, please reinforce my behavior because I have no desire to change it.
I would like a giant pile of leaves please.