Writerly Wednesdays
A new book will be featured on select Wednesdays along with a Truth or Lie game and chance to win a prize. Join us for all the fun!
School Visits
Past Events:
November 1
November 2
The Narcissistic Rose: Medieval Funnies--Food Fascination
I Think: Therefore I Yam: Excerpt--What's Beyond the Stars
I Think: Therefore I Yam: Excerpt--What's Beyond the Stars
November 3
November 4
November 5
Thoughts in Progress: 4 Tools for Gauging Your Book's Pace
Bish Denham: Medieval Funnies: Hobbies
November 7
Thoughts in Progress: 4 Tools for Gauging Your Book's Pace
Bish Denham: Medieval Funnies: Hobbies
November 7
November 8
November 9
November 10
November 11
November 12
November 14
November 15
November 16
Lidy Wilks: Doppelganger Time! Who is Yours?
November 17
November 17
November 21

Cover Reveal
September 12-14, 16-17, 19
October 13-November 7, 2014
When Alexia's wedding is destroyed by the Soulless—who then steal the only protection her people have—she's forced to unleash her true power and risk losing everything.
October 13:
C. Lee Mckenzie: Things that are Evil (Vlog post)
Stephanie Faris: How did the SOULLESS cover happen?
October 14:
Mermaid with a Book: A Super Review
Elizabeth Arundel @ Unicorn Bell:
The truth of being published (and some Doctor Who)
October 15:
Sarah Foster @ The Faux Fountain
Pen: Meet Mae
October 16:
Kristine @ Hall Ways: Greater Enemies
Barb Taub: Addictive Books Review
October 17:
Artista Donna: Author Reading (Chapter 1)
Bookwryming Thoughts: Meet the Cast: Women of Power
Elizabeth Seckman: Meet the Cast: Villains and Outcasts
October 20:
Katharina @ Independent Bookworm:
T. Drecker @ Bookworm for Kids:
October 21:
October 22:
Julie Musil: Author Interview
M.J. Littlefield @ My Pet Blog: Meet Amos
Kimber Leigh Wheaton @ Once Upon aYA Book: Review
Patricia Lynne: Meet the Cast: Villains and Outcasts
Sher A Hart: The Great Kiren Debate
Patricia Lynne: Meet the Cast: Villains and Outcasts
Sher A Hart: The Great Kiren Debate
October 23:
DeAnna @ Two Mom’s Reading: Meet
the Cast: Men of Lies
Dawn Brazil's Brilliant Babble About Books: Meet the Cast: Villains and Outcasts
Dawn Brazil's Brilliant Babble About Books: Meet the Cast: Villains and Outcasts
October 24:
Donna K. Weaver at Weaving a Tale or Two: Meet the Cast--Women of Power
October 27:
Suzi Retzlaff at Literary Engineer:
Author Interview
Cortney Pearson: Meet Mae
ViolaFury at Homeless Chronicles inTampa: Character Interview with Sarah
October 28:
T.C. Mckee: Review
October 29:
Christy’s Cozy Corners: Author Reading, first chapter of SOULLESS
October 30:
Brooke @ The Cover Contessa: Review
Cassie @ Southeast by Midwest:
Marcy @ Mainewords: Author
October 31:
Larissa’s World:
Things that are Evil (Vlog post)
Elizabeth Seckman: Halloween
Sarah @ Stardustand Gravel: Author Interview
November 3:
Gina @ Dawning on a New Day:
The Soulless are Here
Gwen Gardner: Meet the Cast: Men with Lies
Rae @ A Writer’s Dream: A steamy excerpt AND Author Reading
November 4:
November 5:
Ellie Garratt: Meet the Cast: Villains and Outcasts
J. L. Campbell @ The CharacterDepot: Meet the Cast: Men with Lies
Melissa @ Books Are Love: Review
Chrys Fey @ Write with Fey: Author
November 10:
Carol Kilgore: Top Ten Troubles with Time Travel
SOULLESS Cover Reveal
The Paperback release of Moonless
February 10, 2014

MOONLESS: The Mystery Sentence Game
Unravel the mystery of the Moonless night! Hidden in each of the 8 blog tour excerpts is a single word. Gather all 8 and figure out the mystery sentence.
(I'll give you a hint: look at the Excerpt # to figure out the word ORDER.)
It's Writerly Wednesday on STERIODS! (Minus the Wednesdays...and the steroids.) Each post has different truths and lies, so here's a chance to really test your human lie detector skills.
November 18: Gwen Gardner with Kid Stuff
November 21: C. Lee McKenzie with Random Factz
November 22: Elizabeth Seckman with Music
November 25: Clare Dugmore with Theater Thingz
November 11
November 12
November 13
November 14
T.W. Fendley: Genre, Genre, What’s Your Genre?
November 15
November 18
November 19
November 20
November 21
Houston: Tyndale and Hot Chocolate
November 22
November 23
November 24
November 25
November 26
November 27
November 28
November 29
November 30
October 3
October 4
October 6
October 7
October 8
October 9
October 10