I'm back. Did you miss me? I missed you. And I'm kind of in denial about this new year thing. So no, it is not 2017. And no, it's not time for making crazy, stupid resolutions that we'll all break in three weeks or less. And no, it's not time to get back into a productive schedule.
But if it was, I'd celebrate like this:
So maybe I'm not as much in denial as I'd like to be. In fact, I'm starting the year with this:
And I'm dropping back to a twice a month posting schedule, but I've got an amazing lineup of book giveaways headed your way.
It's going to be a beautiful new year, and I'm wishing you the best 2017!
And now...

Oh, and heads up, they're announcing the winners of the second IWSG Anthology contest TODAY.
The big hop question is: What writing rule do you wish you’d never heard?
I can't answer that because there isn't a single writing rule I regret learning. *shrugs* Call me a conformist. Ignorance in the publishing industry is the same as hari kari, and maybe just as messy. Young writers, LEARN ALL YOU CAN. Readers have expectations. Those expectations have been set by centuries of patterning, and deviating too far will alienate those most loyal to the written word. There's still room for creativity--within a safe framework. Writing is ALL about your audience.
Last year (ha! I make it sound so long ago!), Kristin Smith shared CATALYST along with two truths and one lie. Anyone who guessed the lie correctly was entered to an eBook.
The game:

1. I'm the mother of five boys, and when I was pregnant with my oldest son, we were told by the ultrasound tech that she was 99.9% sure we were having a girl. Surprise! We ended up with a bouncing baby boy.
2. By the time I was 18, I'd traveled from the east coast to the west coast 3 times, but the first time I ever rode in an airplane was when I left home for college.
3. I once chatted for five minutes with Woody Harrelson outside of a bathroom in a casino in Las Vegas and didn't realize who he was until after he walked away.
The lie: #3.
From Kristin: I did see Woody Harrelson outside of a bathroom in a casino in Las Vegas, but I DID NOT talk to him. And yes, I knew immediately who he was!
From Kristin: I did see Woody Harrelson outside of a bathroom in a casino in Las Vegas, but I DID NOT talk to him. And yes, I knew immediately who he was!
Way to guess everyone! And the winner is:
Christine Rains!
Congrats, Christine!
And now, I have a special treat for you:
A mighty flame follows a tiny spark.
Cora Sandoval’s mother disappeared when she was five and they were living in Ireland. Since then, her dad has been more than overprotective and Cora is beginning to chafe under his confines. But even more troubling is the colorful light she suddenly sees around people. Everyone, that is, except herself—instead, she glows a brilliant, sparkling silver.
As she realizes the danger associated with these strange auras, Cora is inexplicably drawn to Finn, a gorgeous Irish exchange student who makes her feel safe. Their attraction is instant, magnetic, and primal—but her father disapproves, and Finn’s mother orders him home to Ireland upon hearing he’s fallen in love. After a fight with her father, Cora flees to Ireland, both to follow Finn and to look for her missing mother.
There she meets another silver-haloed person and discovers the meaning of her newfound powers and their role in a conspiracy spanning centuries—one that could change mankind forever…and end her life.
Ready to meet the author?
You might find Tracy munching Humbolt Fog goat cheese with amazing spicy jam (from Trader Joe's)...although she probably won't notice you while engaged in such deliciousness (about as close to food-heaven as she gets).
Tracy gave me two truths and one lie to test your "lie detector" skills. Those who figure out either lie will go into my magic hat for the chance to win an eBook (open internationally):
You have until Tuesday, January 24 at 2 p.m. EDT to guess. Be sure to come back for the answer (and FUN) on January 25, 8 a.m. EDT.
You have until Tuesday, January 24 at 2 p.m. EDT to guess. Be sure to come back for the answer (and FUN) on January 25, 8 a.m. EDT.
1. I eat all sandwiches and burgers in a circle, around and around until I get to the middle.
2. I was once crowned Miss Burbank, CA.
3. I was an extra in the condom commercial in Lethal Weapon 2.
So sleuths, which is the lie? Have you met Tracy? Love urban fantasy stories? What is your new years resolution? Are you in denial about the new year? Have you met the IWSG community?
You radical rule-follower you!
ReplyDeleteThe condom commercial in Lethal Weapon II! Who could forget that? I'm going to say the second one is the lie.
Thanks for co-hosting today.
Loved your animated cartoons and picture captions. Delightful sense of humor and nice way to begin the day. Thanks for co-hosting. Did it help you get out of your shell?
ReplyDeleteI agree, there isn't any writing rule I would unlearn.
ReplyDeleteI'll guess number 1 for the lie, but what a great way to eat a burger.
ReplyDeleteLove that puppy in the mixing bowl. I kind of feel like that. I was supposed to get back into writing this week, not realizing I had three blog hops going on Mon., Wed. and Fri. Oops! Maybe next week?
Great gifs :-) Good advice about expectations. Happy writing.
ReplyDeleteCongrats on co-hosting, I hope you enjoy it! "Learn everything you can" is great advice - we used to be told 'ignorance is no excuse', although there's a certain amount of paradox there, how can you know what you don't know? But I know what they were getting at.
ReplyDeleteGood luck with the giveaway.
ReplyDeleteI'm the mum of five boys. They're no longer boys. I'm also grandma to eleven. Happy New Year, Crystal. Thanks for co-hosting! Okay, so 2016 is longer than 12 months. So be it!
ReplyDeleteBe excellent to each other! I love Bill and Ted.
ReplyDelete#1 is the lie.
Cant believe that you are a radical writing rules follower! I never followed any rule in the begining, though I keep them all in the back of my mind now while writing.
ReplyDeleteHappy New Year, Crystal. Love the cover of Timeless.
Love this - "LEARN ALL YOU CAN." I know the advice was to young writers, but us oldies can follow it, too. :)
ReplyDeleteHave fun co-hosting!
Happy New Year! Hmm, I'm gonna say #3 is the lie...
ReplyDeleteCongrats to Christine! :)
ReplyDeleteI'm the same as you, Crystal. I was NOT ready for 2016 to be over, and I certainly wasn't ready for the holidays to be over. But, alas, here we are!
Those were all great truths/lie! But I'll guess that #3 is the lie.
Happy New Year, Crystal. You know I never thought about it that way, learning all you can learn. It makes sense.
ReplyDeleteThank you for co-hosting and I am wishing you an awesome 2017.
Shalom aleichem,
Pat Garcia
I'm in denial. My youngest son will be 17 this year (2017). I didn't think this year would ever come. My only resolution is to make my current story the best one I've ever written. Hope you have a terrific year!
ReplyDeleteLie is #3
Oh my gosh! That dog and that rocket. LOL! Me every day of my life.
ReplyDeleteA conformist? Haha. I'm the exact opposite. I know these things called rules, but I definitely don't think about them when I'm writing. I do what I want. Lol! Fortunately for me, I want a readable story, so I end up doing most of it anyway. I just don't think about it. I think thinking about rules, especially in the drafting phase, is a good way to never enjoy myself.
I'm going with #1 for the lie today. Maybe it's not every single one. :)
Rules do have a place in writing. I took the plunge too. I joined IWSG. Hope you have a fantastic year! Sounds like you've got exciting things planned.
ReplyDeleteLife is all about learning. I'm continuing to learn as I venture through this journey and I can't say that I've wanted to unlearn anything either. I like to bend the rules every now and then, but hey, I'm a rebel like that. Happy new year. :)
ReplyDeleteHappy New Year! Hoping you have a fabulous 2017 with or without those resolutions (I don't make any myself :))
ReplyDeleteI always like learning new things so I'm with you on that!
Well I for one have missed you. Glad to see you're in a fine mood for the new year. And I agree--I love learning the rules and then strategizing where/when I can break them!
ReplyDeleteHappy New Year anyway and I'm glad you like the rules. I just wish I could remember all when I'm revising. Some slip away when I need them the most. :-)
Happy New Year!!!
ReplyDeleteI definitely agree. I always instruct writers to learn all they can and to keep learning. I'm still learning, and I love it. :)
I don't regret learning any writing rules either - although there are some I ignore.
ReplyDeleteHeh, see, my resolution is to exercise. I used to year before last, but then didn't breathe right while doing push-ups and ended up hurting my head. So I slacked off for a year and my body is showing it. This year, I'm retaking my body. RAWR!
ReplyDeleteI like that you don't dislike any writing rules. Usually there's something useful in every rule, it just depends whether we're ready to hear it or how we look at it. Just yesterday I was butting up against a "rule" in a genre thinking well, I can do this differently. And I CAN. But the reader expectation is where the rule came in, and this is a project I'm doing with a group directed at a specific group of readers. Why disappoint them? I can be creative with my story but still deliver the type of story this reader group is looking for.
ReplyDeleteMy IWSG post this month is about how to set realistic writing goals. The post is here on my StephanieScott website.
Thanks for co-hosting this month's IWSG hop, Crystal and Happy New Year - I love all the graphics included in your post!!!
ReplyDeleteAll writing advice is good - if you know how to use it. I probably have had some bad advice, but I don't remember it. I guess it was just that bad that I put it from my memory ;)
ReplyDeleteHappy New Year! Yup, I like all the rules too. They help make the writing better...
ReplyDeleteI'm guessing #1 is a lie.
I agree that there isn't a writing rule that I regret learning...that way, they're easier to break later. ;)
ReplyDeleteHappy New Year—I love that there's a Bill & Ted gif!!
While learning rules is imperative, rules can also be a crutch. Writers not brave enough to break the rules will never find their unique voice.
ReplyDeleteVR Barkowski
Every writing lesson has it's purpose. True words Crystal. Hey fellow co-hosting buddy! Congrats Tracy and I'm adding your book to my wishlist. Happy New Year Crystal and denial only lasts so long. That New Year boat gif was hilarious by the way.
ReplyDeleteI usually don't consciously think of writing rules. I just write and if what I write sounds right then I figure it must be okay. I'm probably wrong a lot of times though.
ReplyDeleteArlee Bird
Tossing It Out
Love those video clips! I'll have to learn where to find them. I'm a conformist too and agree with you on that! Thanks for co-hosting!!
ReplyDeleteJQ Rose
How about number 2 as the lie..eating burgers in a circle sounds too fun. And yes, I am glad you are back Crystal.
ReplyDeleteHappy New Year! Thanks for co-hosting and stopping by. :)
ReplyDeleteHi Crystal - Happy New Year ... I'm not good with rules, but will do what's necessary ... I think #2's the lie ...
ReplyDeleteEnjoy 2017 .. cheers Hilary
Happy New Year, Crystal! Hope 2017 is a good one for us all.
ReplyDeleteI am always leery of rules, until I try them and see their benefits. I am also a fan of pushing boundaries and messing with expectations. They are the stepping stones to progress.
ReplyDeleteI hate rules but you gave the absolute best advise. We must follow those rules or risk alienating readers.
ReplyDeleteThe lie is #1...
I agree. Considering your audience is key! Is number 1 the lie? Thank you for co-hosting! Happy New Year!
ReplyDeleteI had a writing teacher who told me to "learn the rules, so you know when and how to break them." I think a lot of writing fiction rules have become sort of ingrained into me, but when I'm in thick of writing, I tend to forget about it.
ReplyDeleteI'm diving headlong into 2017. I don't know which is Tracy's lie but I remember how hilarious the condom commercial scene was in that movie.
ReplyDeleteHappy 2017 & thanks for co-hosting. I'd say rules are made to be followed or tweak. Break it when you 10,000% sure you have written something bad ass.
Great post, but I expected it would be! Glad you're back, and, of course, I missed you. Can't figure out which is Tracy's lie, so I'll wait to find out.
ReplyDeleteHappy Non-New Year! Love the gifs, especially the firework one!
ReplyDeleteHappy 2017. Good to know the rules indeed, but also good to break them sometimes.
ReplyDeleteI'm in denial about the year too - mostly because I realised I've been in my 'new' job for 9 years next month. That's not possible!
ReplyDeleteMy resolution is a re-hash of one I made a couple of years ago - to not buy new clothes (underwear and workout clothes excepted) and to wear more of the clothes I've got.
I also resolved not to procrastinate so much and promptly broke that one today :-)
Happy 2017! Welcome back! And you hit the nail on the head - it's all about learning the basic framework first. It kills me when I see someone who clearly doesn't understand writing writing very poorly and then just excusing it as some kind of rebellious rule-breaking. There's a difference between breaking the rules and making up your own rules out of thin air just for the sake of laziness.
ReplyDeleteI love your selection of quotes and clips! Expectations... the death of a free and happy life. More often than not, they lead to disappointments. I guess we can change our own expectations, but not those of our readers. This is a tough call to fulfill! Especially since different readers will have different expectations...
ReplyDeleteLol, happy new years anyways:) As for rules, I'm definitely not a conformist and enjoy breaking rules...that being said, you have a good point - read as much as possible. Readers do indeed have expectations:)
ReplyDeleteCongrats on trying new things in this brand new year! I think Tracy's lie is #3.
ReplyDeleteI'm actually dismayed when I see some rules broken, others not so much ;-) But the reader will always catch the difference, even if you don't think so. I'd rather be on the safe side ;-)
ReplyDeleteOh please tell me #3 is Tracy's lie - ha!
Happy New Year!
Bill and Ted's advice will never wither with time. Thank you for co-hosting today. And what?! I won! Yay! Thanks so much. What a nice new year surprise. :)
ReplyDeleteI'm also in denial, I still believe it is 2005. or 2006.
ReplyDeleteI'll have to double check what I write for the year for a few months. Then I think I'll be good.
ReplyDeleteI have a lot on my plate to do for 2017 though.
Happy New Year and thanks for co-hosting.
ReplyDeleteI think #2 is a lie.
You always have such great animations, Crystal. Thanks for the inspiration. I'll bet that deep down you have a rule you secretly hate. Come on, tell us.
ReplyDeleteI'm still lost in the 1990's. Yikes! Congratulations for winning, Christine Rains. I've entered your book giveaway, Crystal. Here's hoping. Could the lie be #1? All the best to everyone in 2017!
ReplyDeleteI didn't have a hated rule either. Thanks for co-hosting!
ReplyDeleteI dropped back on my posting too over the past couple of months. Feels much more manageable now.
ReplyDeleteHappy New Year, and so glad to see you blogging again :):):) Guessing the lie is #1 - but a friend of ours does eat her sandwiches that way and it looks fun!
ReplyDelete~ Pendragons
Dare I say it then? Happy New Year, Crystal! (OMG I just forgot how to spell your name and had to look at the web address.)
ReplyDeleteHappy New Year Crystal... I love that little meme of the animal in the little bowl that keeps going around... that is me to trying to get back on track... I will get there, so will you... I wish lots of love and success xox
ReplyDeleteOh my god! I was totally a So Cal valley toooooo! Until the movie came out and I realized, oh my god, I totally talk like that! Ew. I'm not gonna guess the lie because I've read the wonderful Ms. Clark's book. I'll just wish everybody else good luck.
ReplyDeleteHappy New Year, Crystal.
Hi Crystal...yes, I did miss you! In fact, I was just thinking about you the other day and wondering how you were doing! I am so happy to see you back! Happy New Year to you. I am one of the few who loves winter. LOL! :)
ReplyDeleteHappy 2017, Crystal! You've come back on the scene with a bang. Have a great year!
ReplyDeleteHappy New Year Crystal! Yes, you have been missed! I love that dog in the bowl! So cute!!! You asked on my blog, if my shop, was a store or a workshop. It's my store. Thank you for the kind comments about my art! Big Hugs and here's to a great year!!
ReplyDeleteThat laundry room crash is exactly how my New Year switch feels. So glad you're still up and about and heading into things...or continuing to.
ReplyDeleteAs to Tracy's lie, I'm guessing #3.
Happy New Year! Those gifs are too funny. That School of Rock one pretty much sums up why I can never stay on a diet.
ReplyDeleteThank you for the chuckles!!!
ReplyDeleteCrystal, I'm still learning how to write!
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year Crystal, yes you were missed. You made smile.
ReplyDeleteCongrats everyone.
Juneta @ Writer's Gambit
You sure do pack a lot into one blog! :)
ReplyDeleteHappy 2017!
Is #3 the lie?
ReplyDeleteGood luck with your New Year Resolutions! No worries if you break them in three weeks. Chinese New Year comes around at the end of this month and you can start all over then!
Thanks for being cohost this month. I did it last month and had a blast meeting so many new people. Like you, I never regret learning something new, even if it's a rule. Best wishes for a great 2017
ReplyDeleteI grabbed SCINTILLATE!!! Can't wait to dig in. Happy New Year. And rules...nice to know, fun to mess with.
ReplyDeleteYes, I did miss you, not that I get around here that often, not that I get around anywhere that often, but you are a real bright spot in the blogosphere.
ReplyDeleteI like you take on 'rules' for creativity within a safe framework. I'll have to keep that in mind the next time I'm frustrated by conflicting advice regarding rules.
Oh BTW, I think #3 is the lie, at least I hope so. I would really love to win this book, but then if I don't I just may have to buy it. Same goes for your Goodreads give away.
I don't do resolutions. I guess this is weird.
ReplyDeleteI'm with you on the writing rules. I'm glad I don't do IWSG as I would have no answer for this question.
Lie.. #2. Wild guess.
#1 is the lie. I'm probably wrong though, because I used to do the same with burgers...
ReplyDeleteAnd welcome back Crystal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My new year's resolutions barely last through the first week, so I gave up making them. I'm looking forward to 2017, so I'll just let it happen :)
ReplyDeleteNumber 1 is a lie. Yes, no New Year resolutions for me.
ReplyDeleteThanks for co-hosting today, Crystal! I was surprised to learn that you hadn't done it before. I've done it several times, and it was lots of fun. I so agree with you about writing rules. I may take a few liberties with my blog posts, but when it comes to other forms of writing I am a stickler for the rules. As for New Year's resolutions ~ I'm so done with them! But I've promised myself that this year I will smile at people a lot. A random, surprise smile can be uplifting, and I'm going to keep them coming! Have a good one!
ReplyDeleteHappy New Year!
ReplyDeleteI gave up on New Year's resolutions, because I just ignore them anyway.
Happy New Year Crystal!
ReplyDeleteIn terms of Tracy's truths and lies, it's hard to choose between them, but I'll go with #3.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteYay for being an IWG cohost! You'll be great at it, I'm sure! :)
ReplyDeleteThe third gif down reminds me of the kids toy Hatchimals. I haven't seen one in real life, but, when I watch on youtube, I'm like "just emerge already!" I'm not patient enough for those things, and even if I was they remind me too much of furbies which I can't stand!
And the fourth gif down? Food? Yes, please. :)
Hope you are having a great new year so far!
Happy New Year, Crystal! I hope co-hosting went well for you. I always enjoy it, it's crazy busy but in a fun way. I love the first GIF. Terry Crews is one of my favorite people.
ReplyDeleteHi, Crystal! Happy New Year!!!! Hope you enjoyed the holidays.... I'm here in Orlando now and Christmas was a bit, TOO TOASTY for me. What happened to the cool weather? We have a nice one scheduled for today, but back to heat and humidity... so unCHristmas like. LOL...
ReplyDeleteALL the best for this year! I should be an interesting one.....
The memes are hilarious. I understand your cutting back. Blogging takes a chunk of x. Wishing you x to write and x with your family.
Many happy returns! Here's to a good New Year. I'm with you when it comes to resolutions... They just don't work for me. With all you do for us writers and bloggers, I can understand why you're cutting back.
ReplyDeleteI'm going with #1 as the lie.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteYou always have the funniest gifs! I especially love the little puppy in the bowl! I don't blame you for dialing back your blog posts. Tying to balance writing, social media, and a real life is very challenging. Congrats to Christine!
ReplyDeleteHappy New Year, Crystal and of course we missed you! I love the dog in the bowl, so sweet. I'll guess number 1 for the lie, but I’m very unsure.
ReplyDeleteHappy New Year to you, keep up the good work! Hugs, Valerie
ReplyDeleteHappy New Year to you, keep up the good work! Hugs, Valerie
ReplyDeleteYou do get a lot into a single blog post! I signed up for your giveaway. @mirymom1 from
ReplyDeleteBalancing Act
I hope all you're seeking this year comes true! Best of luck!
ReplyDeleteTwice a month sounds like a great schedule, especially if you can condense two weeks' worth of content into one post! I cut back to Mondays only late last year--except when I'm helping with a book promo or doing IWSG or my "Best Books" post. So really, it's about 7-10 times a month, but that's an improvement over the 12 times a month I was doing!
ReplyDeleteI love cheese - just had to add that to my comment because of your bio. Rules are necessary for sure. I just have a hard time following some of them. Isn't that always the case? Glad I discovered you, thanks to you co-hosting the IWSG. I joined recently and really like the encouragement of this group. I signed up to keep in touch, so I look forward to learning more. Happy new year!
ReplyDeleteCute gifs :) I'm also in denial about the New Year; it feels like it should still be Christmas. You're right that writing is all about your audience, and I know I still have a lot to learn.
ReplyDeleteWriting is all about you, the author! PUBLISHING is all about your audience. ;)
ReplyDeleteI'm guessing #3 is the lie.
ReplyDeleteLove the gifs - especially the one about the diet LOL. My problem exactly. :D
ReplyDeleteI'm going with #1 as the lie. Happy New Year, Crystal!
Happy New Year! I don't make resolutions either, because I set goals all throughout the year (love it in fact). Those both look like fun YA books! I really hope number 3 is true!! That'd be hilarious. So I'm going to say #2 is the lie :)
ReplyDelete#2 is the lie cuz #3 sounds kinda fun and I hope Tracy got to do it.
ReplyDeleteHi Crystal! Happy New Year!
Yes!! Let's Be Excellent to Each other. The way YOU are to Us.
ReplyDeleteAnd Cheese!!!!
I'm going to go with the lest obvious choice and say #1 is the lie because I can. Happy New Year! Who cares about resolutions.
ReplyDeleteHappy New Year, kiddo!
ReplyDeleteYou know what a lousy track record I have for picking out the lie, but that's not gonna stop me from trying. I'll say #3 is the fib, but it'd be kinda cool if it's true.
Hi! On this month's ISWG question, I agree with you. I'm glad I learned the rules and believe I'm a better writer because of it. I'm also comfortable breaking rules when it benefits my story. I do it sparingly. I have a wonderful critique group and editors keep me honest when it comes to breaking rules and it being necessary or not.
ReplyDeleteI'm going to guess #3 is a lie. Tracy looks too young for that to be true.
Happy 2017!!
Happy New Year! Hope it is off to a great start. Sounds like you have been thinking about things for 2017.
ReplyDeleteI think #1 is the lie. :)
I would say No 1 is the lie. I agree with Cherie's comment above. Learn the rules to know when and where you can break them.
ReplyDeleteI'm absolutely thrilled it's a new year. :P And I don't make resolutions, I make plans, some of which I've already put into action, so I'm happy there. ^_^
ReplyDeleteAs for writing rules, I'm not sure. I remember that someone told me, years ago, to ignore any writing advice I read that didn't work for me, because trying to apply someone else's rules to my story when those rules didn't belong there would never do any good. So if there's a rule I never wanted to learn, I disregarded it long ago.
Hey Crystal! Hope all is well. I feel like I can relate to the dog rolling around in the bowl... LOL! I'm finally emerging from my writing cave (sort of, I have some toes in there still). Congrats on your exciting posting schedule, it sounds like it will be great. Wishing you a very wonderful new year! =-)
ReplyDeleteHappy New Year, Crystal! I'll say #1 is the lie.
ReplyDeleteAnd I did miss you, very much so. Happy to have you back! Good luck with your giveaway. Hope it helps you find many new readers.
I'm with you on resolutions! I admit that I do set goals for the year, but they're relatively realistic I think, and mostly focus on my writing. OK and running. But still.
ReplyDeleteI'm going with the lie is...#1! Because both of the others are too exciting to not be real. Especially the condom commercial.
Happy New Year! Looking forward to seeing what you accomplish this year. I'm guessing number 3 is the lie.
ReplyDeleteTwice a month seems nice. I'll have to see how crazy life gets. Happy New Year!
ReplyDeleteWishing you a Happy New Year!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations to Tracy on her new book. Your Happy New Year poster with the resolutions is funny. I think #1 is the lie. Happy New Year.
ReplyDeletehappy septendecdischili! and welcome back!
ReplyDeletelove the sound of that book and its irish auras!
i believe #2 is the lie
and I'm looking forward to being here in a couple of weeks - yay! thanks, crystal!
A very happy and productive new year to you!
ReplyDeleteWhat a fun post! Best wishes to all the new books coming out and their authors, including yours!!
ReplyDeleteI'll guess #2 is the lie. I never make resolutions (for numerous reasons). but I do have some goals and plans for the year. Happy New Year!
ReplyDeleteAwesome post. Congrats to Christine!
ReplyDeleteI don't do resolutions as well. Ugh, where did 2016 go, huh? :)
ReplyDeleteCheers to your new year!
Doing resolutions every year but nothing works out :-(
ReplyDeleteHappy new Year :-)
LOL, I still can't believe it's 2017 already, either. Hope this year treats you well!
ReplyDeleteYes, here's to a fantastic new year 2017!
A belated Happy New Year to you!
ReplyDeleteI hope 2017 is filled with joy and blessings for you. :-)
Can't believe another year has gone by already! My grandfather used to say, "Time marches on." The older I get, the more I understand what he was saying. :) Enjoy the rest of the week!
ReplyDeleteHappy New Year! I'm embracing it, basically my resolution is to move forward. I'll guess #3 for the lie.