
Friday, May 24, 2013

Cowboys VS Ninjas

At three a.m. I started this mental debate: Which would you rather have battling for you? An army of Cowboys, or Ninjas? (Yes, these are the crazy kind of insomniatic conversations I have at 3 a.m.) So, which would it be for you? Let me lay out a few selling points and feel free to add your own.

Stealth VS Boldness:

My brothers were fascinated with becoming ninjas. One thing I learned through them was stealth. I know how to stand right behind someone and stay in their blind spot. Ninja's are masters of being invisible. So, you might argue, they're the more effective soldier. Well, they're certainly sneakier. Cowboys are bold. You hear them coming--with their whooping and thundering horses. I dare say many a battle would be won just by the fear factor their approach inspires. So which is better? Silent assassinations, or intimidation?

Weapons: Throwing stars and Katanas VS Bullets

Throwing stars might be silent and painful, but nothing can make you dead faster than a bullet. Granted, I wouldn't want to face a katana at close range. Then again, I wouldn't want the blunt force of a rancher's fist either. So, is this a close range or distance battle? Are you afraid the neighbors will overhear and send in the cavalry?

Horses VS Two-toed socks:

I think this is a no-brainer. HORSES. =) (Those ninja shoes are so stinking awkward.)


Man in a Duster

or Man in Black

(Sorry gents, this one is intentionally skewed toward the ladies.) Which one do you want coming to your rescue?

Yes, this is all random silliness, but it makes me grin, and hopefully it makes you grin too. Happy Friday!

So what's your vote? Which would you hire? An army of ninjas, or an army of cowboys, and why?


  1. Ninjas. They are much cooler. :D

    1. That must be because they wear lighter clothing. ;)

  2. Camp Cowboy right here. If you look at how movies go, the law of inverse ninjitsu tells me that an army of ninjas is practically useless. (the inverse law of ninjitsu says that the more ninjas you are fighting, the less powerful each of the ninjas are, watch a martial arts movie and you'll know exactly what I mean).

    And while cowboys aren't stealthy, they set a mean trap and have a ton of tricks up their sleeve. Those ninjas don't stand a chance.

    1. LOL. Love it! We should totally write the film script, eh?

  3. Cowboys. They're hotter. (But don't tell my husband I said that! LOL)

    1. LOL! Where I grew up we called them "hicks," but that's just because they were want-to-be's. My grandpa was a true cowboy, a rancher, and I agree, they're pretty awesome. (Although I wouldn't refer to grandpa as "hot.")

  4. Ninjas win, hands down. Cowboys have the swagger, but they smell way worse.

  5. Gotta go with cowboys. Dad was a cowboy and I have never actually seen a ninja... so I would prefer dealing with protectors I could see. :)

    1. Good point. *shifty eyes* But I guess that's the point of the ninja, eh? NOT being seen. =D

  6. Oh my what a choice! I'll say Ninja - all silent and mysterious!

    1. You like the tall, dark and mysterious type, eh? ;)

  7. I am team ninja!! Have a great holiday weekend Crystal :)

  8. Ninja. No question. You won't see them coming until it's too late.

    1. So you're going for deadly rather than scare tactic? Okay. That works.

  9. I'm bias towards ninjas. Maybe because in games, I will always pick the silent assassin types.

    1. They sound more your speed then. We'll let you avoid the horse stench and step into your two-toed shoes. =)

  10. Ninjas... cool people wear black. ;o)

    1. LOL. So do vampires, and we saw how that turned out after the sparkly Twilight generation, eh? =P

  11. I'd say cowboys, but only because they come with horses... my hubby is nuts about these 4-legged creatures!

    Writer In Transit

    1. They're pretty awesome. I remember my summer working in the high Uintah's was all the more awesome because I got to take care of the horses and assist with horse tours over the haunted burial grounds. Fun stuff.

  12. Ninjas have better moves, but I don't think they're allowed to smoke cigarettes or drink whisky... so cowboys it is. ;-)

    1. Great. The depravity won you over. *palm to forehead*

  13. A few more awards to u. Details on my site. :)

  14. Cowboys makes me think of Sam Elliott and sooooooooooo there's no comparison, lol. As he tips his hat and says Mame, in that husky voice of his....shivers.
    Oozing Out My Ears

  15. My grandpa was a cowboy.
    I studied a bit of martial arts . . .
    I'd choose my grandpa any day - in fact - I hope his Love follows me around in the world today - and, i hope he is singing around a campfire in heaven . . . .
    love & love,

    1. My grandpa was a cowboy too! *high five* I like martial arts, but I'm split. I think I'd go half and half, and employ both armies in different fronts of the battlefield.

  16. Ninjas are cool, but there's just some energy surrounding cowboys that oozes of toughness.

  17. I love this as just yesterday Keith and I were discussing who would win in a fight, superheroes or ninjas. The consensus was ninjas. They are just sneaky fast, stealthy, amazing shots (they never miss their targets, you know). Also there is no such thing as am automatic door, just ninja gentlemen. So I vote for ninjas.


Hit me with your cheese!