
Monday, May 27, 2013

Thicker than Blood

Has anyone ever fought a battle for you?

I have several older brothers, and despite the conflicts we had as children, we've always been fiercely loyal to one another. Voltaire nails it on the head. I knew if I ever had a problem with kids at school or in the neighborhood, I could call on my brothers to stand up for me.

Today is Memorial day, and as one who has lost a father and a brother, I look on this holiday quite differently. My father did not die fighting for my freedom, but he gladly would have. My brother was not a casualty of war, but he would have given his life gladly to defend those he loved. As I think about that, I picture the many families who's fathers, brothers, sisters or mothers have given their lives for the cause of freedom. My heart breaks for those who have sacrificed. It is buoyed up by the love of these men and women, for:

Here's a heart-felt thank you to all those who've sacrificed--be they soldiers who have passed on, or families who've made due without a vital part of their hearts. You are what makes a nation great. You are true heroes. 


  1. Particularly with what's happened in England, on the brutal murder of a young soldier on the streets of London, I can sympathise, agree and love all those that defend.

  2. True words. Sigh. My heart goes out for those who have risen to the occasion with their bravery. Sigh.

  3. A very touching tribute.

    Everyone's lives would have been very different if not for the sacrifices of brave people in war.

    1. Can you just imagine--I mean if just one of the countries that fought in WWII backed down? Completely different world story.

  4. Oooooh, THANK YOU for this Powerful Thought.
    You have given me something very valuable . . .
    A New Understanding - A Healthier Respect.

  5. You're right about that quote. I always rely on my siblings, kind of like my personal defence system. :)

  6. Hi, Crystal,

    Such a beautiful tribute. I am all choked up. Your sentiment is greatly appreciated, especially to those who are the true subject of your post. The loved ones left behind.

    1. As long as your choking isn't fatal, I'll take that as a good thing. ;)

  7. Joining you in remembering those who gave so much for our country.

  8. Beautifully said. Thank you for this, Crystal.

  9. Sweet post. Thanks for sharing, Crystal.


    1. I hope you mean "apple" sweet, because sugar sweet might be too much. ;)

  10. I have always tried to hide it, but the national anthem always has moved me to tears. When I hear that moving music and see the flag I think of the great sacrifices made, even from the inception of this great country. Those men and women are such brave Heros.

  11. I'm extremely grateful for everyone out there who is fighting for our freedom, even though they don't know us. In my print media class, we looked at a photo story that documented pictures of the bedrooms soldiers left behind before they were lost in battle. It was really moving. And their rooms were cleaner than mine. ;)

    1. What an amazing project! I would love to see the results.

  12. what a beautiful memorial day post <3

  13. I went to two cemeteries over the weekend and it was wonderful to see all the American Flags. We placed our own flowers and flags on the graves of our loved ones--men who lived long lives, but who spent a good portion of those lives in service of our country. So many members of the 8th Air Battalion from WWII. We spent a long time afterward looking at the inscriptions on many soldiers' graves. It was touching and wonderful and filled all of us with such gratitude.

    Thank you for this beautiful post, Crystal!

  14. This was a moving post, Crystal. Thank you.

  15. This really touched my heart. That last image....

    We ought to reflect more often; it really is good for the soul.

    1. It's always good to remember the sacrifice of others on our behalf, eh?

  16. Crystal, this post gave me chills. What a great reminder.

    1. A reminder about how big and deep the human heart is, eh? =)

  17. I'm amazed I havent' seen that Voltaire quote before, but I absolutely love it!!! The Bible quote though I know very well, it's such a good one.

    1. They're both pretty awesome, eh? I love how many amazing quotes I get to share through blogging. =)

  18. Sacrifice is the strongest pursuit of mankind.
    Those who have the strength to do it, leave a strong impact on our hearts.


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