
Wednesday, May 22, 2013

11 Random Things

Actually this is 3 X 11 for randomness, but it starts with... I'm still not over the "wow" of the April A to Z challenge. Are you? The writing community is so supportive, sweet, and encouraging that they regularly hand out doses of cheese,  (in the form of blog awards,) just to say, "You're awesome." Today, I need to say thank you and pass along the love. 

So, from the A-Z Challenge, thank you Mary, and not from the A-Z Challenge, thank you Candice, for the Liebster! 

I guess I'm supposed to share 11 random facts and answer 11 questions, and pass it on. So, if you want my random facts, you can find them here.

1. What's the first thing you ever wrote that you were proud of?
Um, the first thing I ever wrote. I think it was my name. ;D

2. What kind of roller Skates did you own/rent?
Ice skates? See, I have bad ankles. Bad ankles=bad accidents on rolling footwear. 

3. Did you name your bike as a kid? As an adult?
... ... ... Was I supposed to? 

4. Has another person's dietary habits ever ended or threatened to end the relationship?
*scratching head* Not really. Dietary habits made for interesting relationships when we lived in the heart of an orthodox Jewish neighborhood--like being asked to come over and turn on someone's malfunctioning stove on Shabbas, or being unable to make goodies for the kids next door.

5. Is there a sport you could not live without following?
LOL. I have 5 brothers, so you'd think this would be the case, right? Is video gaming a sport? Or maybe programming?

6. What is it about ketchup?
I'm not sure. Mustard's more my speed, thank you. (And mustard is late a lot less often.)

7. Have you ever shaved your head, or wanted to?
NO. Crazy heads.

8. Is there a song you know the lyrics to that you will sing just to annoy people?
Have you met me? My life is a musical. Every kid has their own theme song, every action a soundtrack, and because we have 3 kids we love to annoy, we have a full roster of "annoying" to choose from. It's more a question of what's your brand of annoying

9. What is the first meal you learned how to cook? Do you still make it the same way?
Spaghetti. Yup. Is there another way to make it? Boil water, throw pasta in pot?

10. Have you ever turned down an invitation out of spite?

11. Did you believe new sneakers made you run faster? What if they did?
Nah! It was the pixie wings I borrowed from my neighboring sprite that made me faster. Or was it the cheetah whiskers?

And now to pass this bad boy along!

My nominees:

Sania Heba
Fida Islaih
Lynn Proctor
L. Blankenship
Summer Ross
Jessie Harrell

My questions:

1. What is the best book you've ever read?

2. What is your sport of choice? To play or watch?

3. What's the coolest place you've ever visited?

4. Favorite song or artists?

5. What's your biggest pet peeve?

6. What is your brand of geek? (Or obsession?) 

7. What movie do you have memorized, word for word?

8. If you could choose one myth to be true, which would it be: Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, or the Tooth Fairy?

9. What food is your nemesis? 

10. Which army would you choose to defend your home? Ninjas, or Cowboys? 

11. What is your favorite or most embarrassing nick name? 

Okay friendlies, now I want you to pick one question, either one I answered or asked, and tell us something awesome sauce about you!


  1. Congrats on your awards and have fun with questions etc. Congrats to those you've passed it along to as well.
    Oozing Out My Ears

    1. Thanks! We all need a little encouragement now and again, eh?

  2. I don't think I named my bike as kid either. I did have roller skates - white ones - and I loved them! :)

    1. I could see that, you in white roller skates. Cute!

  3. Mustard. Ooh, you and my daughter would get along just fine.

    Beautiful award!

  4. Pasta? No, I think you got it! Well deserved award :)

    1. LOL. I was hoping you might enlighten me with some new and amazing step I've never encountered. *sigh*

    2. Hey Crystal, I'm not over the "wow" of the April A to Z challenge either.
      Plus I have 3 awards waiting to be collected from bloggy buddies, which were given to me during April.

      Writer In Transit

    3. Michelle, me too! This is #1 & 3 of the waiting batch--and still inside the month window. Wahoo!

  5. I had a look at some of those questions:

    I suspect that my balance is bad... so no roller skating for me... and I haven't been on a bike either...
    Give me a combo of ketchup and mustard... in moderation though...
    Shaved head? Whoa, not for me... my skull has a terrible shape... I can feel it... especially at the back...
    I liked your answer to no.#8 - your life is a musical! I can identify...
    And where I'm from, sneakers are called "takkies"

    Writer In Transit

  6. Loved reading your answers. Hey, you're better than me on the first thing you ever wrote. I think the first thing I ever wrote was a squiggly line!

    1. LOL. Maybe we should compare. They're probably pretty similar. =)

  7. Haha! I have some orthodox in my family. That makes for interesting, um, alterations in plans sometimes! :D

  8. I think my dietary habits are more likely to end the relationship than the other person's.

    Every time I see this award, the questions are so wildly different. It's kind of fun to watch.

    1. Goodness, do I want to ask? You don't eat weird things like frog legs and pork rinds, right?

  9. Congrats on your award! Love your mustard response. ;)

    I hope you had a great Wednesday. ☺

  10. Ah, I love that you didn't buy into the new shoes making you faster. I *Really* believed that. Until I was seven. Then it started to make sense--my brother was a pathological liar!

    1. I think having 4 older brothers saved me from believing anything. Especially about shoes. ;)

  11. YAY! Loved learning more about you... I never thought to add mt questions to the post (the one's I'm supposed to ask you), Think I will have to blog that today :)

    1. LOL. That's okay. I'd get whip lash between both sets, and might actually jumble answers. It might turn into an elaborate game of "what if."

  12. Thank you. I'll post mine next week.

  13. what fun! I enjoyed your facts... and now I'm off to answer some questions of my own. ;) Thanks for the nomination!

  14. Sweet. Thank you. And yes, the support we get from fellow writers is just amazing. :)

  15. I see myself doing a huge post sometime soon. *shudders*
    Thanks for the nomination! :)

  16. Great Job! thanks for playing along. Medieval Times the theme restaurant too? Ha!


Hit me with your cheese!