
Monday, November 21, 2016

FINAL day of Timeless Book Tour + Win cool Books

It's final day of the book release blog tour. Yippee!

First of all, don't forget to guess Rachel's lie to win Don't Fall, a contemporary retelling of Rapunzel. 

Tis the season to be grateful. I feel like I've been drowning in cheese with all this awesomeness, and I have you to thank for reading, supporting, and being incredible you. So thank you for participating, playing, and commenting. It means the world to me. As you look around at life this week, I hope you'll take a moment to ponder what makes it rich, and the abundance of blessings you experience, even in the darkest times. (Especially in the darkest times.)
The Maiden of Time Series:

The romance of Jane Eyre meets Supernatural.

In a world where people can heal with a touch, kill with a scream, and rob a person of their memories, Alexia is struggling to find her place and learn her gifts--before the Soulless come for her.

on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, or get signed print copies from yours truly!

Tour stops

(Email address is required for awarding prizes.)

After today is over, I'm taking a cheese holiday. I'll be back on November 30 with a final post and giveaway for the year.

Where would you go on your cheese holiday? What are you grateful for this week? Do you celebrate Thanksgiving--and if so, how?


  1. I think gratitude is so imporant these days... especially in these days... otherwise we could get lost in the negativity which isn't helpful. Happy upcoming Thanksgiving to you and your family Crystalk xox

    1. Thank you, Launna. It's true, we can get trapped in our negativity so easily if not focusing on the good in life. There's so much to be grateful for.

  2. I'm so happy to be hosting you today! I'm grateful for awesome writer friends like you. :) I'm also grateful for not having to travel this year as my MIL now lives here in town. I would love to see the Netherlands' Cheese Market as my cheese holiday! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

    1. You rock. You just do it--it's the truth. I'm so happy you get to stay local for Thanksgiving. What a blessing! (I'll take one of those cheese markets local too...or at least, my teleportation device working again.)

  3. Happy Thanksgiving, Crystal. So pleased your blog tour went well. It was lovely to see you all over :) Now take a well earned break and enjoy the family.

    1. Thank you, Nicola. I'm excited to clock out for a little bit, but first, I have to pop in and see all my friends--including you. Thanks for the shout!

  4. Living in the UK, I don’t celebrate Thanksgiving, but I do wish you a very happy time. I’m thankful for being alive and for being well enough to enjoy my life. I’m also more than thankful for a loving family.

    1. Agreed! Health and family and two of the VERY greatest blessings. Wishing you the best week!

  5. So proud you've finished this! I just visited you over on Christine's site. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

    1. Thank you! I'm sure I'll see you hanging around Facebook. ;)

  6. Here's to your cheese holiday! If you run out of crackers, just call. Great post over at Christine's today!

    1. Thanks, Lee. I just may have to call! Crackers disappear almost as fast as the cheese around here. ;)

  7. Congratulations on having such a great campaign! May you always have a pile of cheese to make you happy...

  8. I agree with Sharon. This book launch is extensive. All the luck with it, Crystal. Cheese, glorious cheese. I love it. I'm on my way over to Christine's blog to read that post. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!

    1. Thank you, Victoria! You know, I just asked for help...and this is what happened. Be careful what you ask for, eh? It's good to feel loved by so many wonderful bloggers.

  9. Okay, I'm not so sure about the guy getting drowned in cheese...I can't imagine trying to wash that off. Haha! But I'm certainly thankful for a few days off!

    1. LOL. You and me both. Everyone needs a breath of fresh air on occasion, eh?

  10. Wow! It's been a busy tour, it looks like! I just finished Timeless and it was a great book. Now I want to go back and read the other two!

    1. You're not kidding. 55 stops and a few pre-tour posts. Whew! I saw your review, and thank you so much! My husband is actually the one who saw the review and had to ask if I knew you. =)

  11. A wine and cheese holiday would be nice!

  12. We don't celebrate Thanksgiving here in Germany, more the pity, and I think we need to be thankful for all we have every day. I just had cheese and fresh bread here, and I am always thankful for such luxuries. Have a great week, hugs, Valerie

    1. Thanks, Valerie! You know, Thanksgiving or not, I do keep a gratitude journal, and it's a fabulous practice to examine every day through the eyes of gratitude.

  13. A simple look around can sure show one they do have much to be thankful for. All perspective.

  14. You sure have put a lot into your blog tour! I hope it pays off for you with a ton of sales. :)

    Life is good, and I'm grateful to still be around to enjoy it. I hope you and your family have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

    1. I put a lot into anything I do. I think that's the only way to live. =)

      I hope you have the most fabulous Thanksgiving too!

  15. Enjoy your cheese holiday!! You have a great tour. Many wonderful posts!

  16. There could be worse things than drowning in cheese. Enjoy your break!

  17. Have a happy Thanksgiving! My family celebrates together every year with a delicious meal. Then we make a recording of what we are thankful for, and listen to a recording from a previous year.

    1. What a lovely tradition! Wishing you the best Thanksgiving in return.

  18. Happy early Thanksgiving. I'll be celebrating with my family and dinner should be interesting because of how many people have allergies and diet restrictions. Mom keeps joking she's just going to get a bale of hay for us to eat.

    1. LOL. Hay for you! I'm sorry. We've got a few restrictions too, but only on one kid, thankfully. Wishing you the best Thanksgiving!

  19. Happy Thanksgiving, Crystal!!

    Thanksgiving will be a lot smaller this year, but then Christmas will be bigger, so I'm very excited about that! ^_^ Happy last day of the tour!

    1. Big Christmases are the best. I wish you the very best, Krystal.

  20. Have a Happy Thanksgiving - I so enjoyed your series, I may donate mine to a Christmas book drive as a set.

    1. Aw! You're a sweetheart. I'm glad you enjoyed it. It was a lot of years in the making. =)

  21. Happy thanksgiving. And congrats on making it through your massive blog tour. Impressive. Now go have some more cheese!

  22. Happy Thanksgiving! We are going low key this year, letting the other family members host us for a change. For that, I am very thankful ;)

    1. I'm a little envious there. Our family is all on the other side of the country, so we make dinner, or we miss out.

  23. Have the best Thanksgiving ever!! I wish we had found this blog earlier - it's so much fun and love the design layout!!!!

    1. Aw, thank you so much! Hey, I'll be around a little, I just won't be posting regularly until January.

  24. I hope your tour went well.

    I'm dreading Thanksgiving this year. My grandfather passed away on Sunday, and Thanksgiving is the holiday I spend with him. It's going to be tough. :(

  25. Hi Crystal - congratulations on your books and now enjoy relaxing and some down time ... or at least in the kitchen eating something different to cheese!

    I think I'd have to go to Switzerland ... where I could have different fondues - knowing I'd be walking them off each day ...

    Cheers and Happy Thanksgiving - Hilary

    1. Switzerland would be a dangerous place for me to visit. ;)

      Thank you and wishing you all the best, Hilary!

  26. The final day?! Wow. I have a lot of catching up to do, LOL. You've really taken over the blogosphere lately!

    Since my mom's birthday is always around Thanksgiving (and sometimes on Thanksgiving), I like to spend this time of year celebrating her awesomeness. Hope you enjoy your cheese holiday, Crystal! :P

    1. Go big or go home, eh?

      I hope you have the most wonderful Thanksgiving with your mom!

  27. You are amazing. Congrats again. And Happy, Cheesy Thanksgiving! I'm so blessed with an amazing family and a sweet class of students. There's always, always good to be found in life. Christy

    1. It's true. We don't have to look far to find the awesomeness in life.

  28. Hope you enjoyed your tour! It's been a lot of fun. Have a great Thanksgiving - I assume the cheeseboard will come into play!

    1. Thank you, Nick. There will definitely be a ton of cheese. There has to be, right?

  29. Oh, congratulations on the book tour!


  30. Based on that last picture of Wallace, I hope your cheese holiday takes you to the moon. Mmm, tastes like Wensleydale! Cheers to the successful book tour and Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!

  31. Happy Thanksgiving! You definitely deserve a cheese holiday after all that work! So glad you made it through your book tour. Awesome job!

    1. Thanks a ton, Sherry. Couldn't have done it without your awesomeness.

  32. Happy Cheesy Thanksgiving! Hope your holiday was wonderful and that you got to relax. I celebrate Thanksgiving, but this year was pretty low key. My fiance and I had dinner at our house, as other family members were away. Quiet, but nice. :)

  33. Also- we wanted to help spread the word on the book, so even though we aren't officially part of the blog tour- we posted about it on our Author Tracker Blog ( :) We hope that is okay! Wishing you all the best!

    1. You know what? That was one of the BEST surprises. Seriously. Thank you SO much.

  34. Hi Crystal! You must be exhausted after that long tour. I hope you've met heaps of new peeps and have sold lots of books. I'm sure the cheese helps. I've been meaning to ask, are your husband and children cheese fanatics too? Isn't that lovely that Jess posted for you!
    No, don't celebrate Thanksgiving Down Under. We're busy getting ready for a knock-out Christmas feast/week of wallowing in family and friends. I usually serve turkey, LOL~!

    1. Actually, yes. My whole family loves cheese. One daughter thought she could get away from it...and we almost disowned her. Almost. She came to see the light. ;)

  35. Hoping you had an awesome tour and a very Happy Thanksgiving!

    1. Thank you, Nas. It was fabulous. I hope you also had an excellent one.

  36. Happy Thanksgiving to you:) May the cheese be plentiful;)


Hit me with your cheese!