Wednesday, August 21, 2013

A Blogpost Full of WIN (And a Chance to Win)

You know how life can just get backed up on you, like a drain that's slowly clogging over time--and eventually it has to get cleared out or something will explode? Well, I like to occasionally wait to the point of explosion. 

BUT FIRST, yes, I know the suspense is killing you (or more likely me,) so let's get to our Writerly Wednesday winner!

Writerly Wednesdays here are dedicated to writers and readersIf you've published anything for Young Adults with a fantastic twist (fantasy in all varieties, paranormal, speculative fiction, horror, sci-fi, dystopian, etc.), shoot me an email (crystal AT crystal-collier DOT com). I'll be shouting about awesome books, sharing new covers, or participating in book releases every week--and I'd love to share yours. Spots are filling up quick, so schedule a date now. 

Before the fun, let's announce the winner for last week. Sandra Ulbrich Almazan shared with us Twinned Universes last week and blew my socks off with the premise. She told us two truths and one lie about herself, and those who guessed correctly were entered into a random drawing to win her ebook. The options were:

1. Sandra can make both bread and cheese from scratch. 
2. Sandra has a black belt in karate.
3. Sandra occasionally walks around at work and home balancing a book on her head.

And, the lie is: 

#2 Sandra is not a black belt, although she got half way to being one. Guess that means I'm going to have to adopt her, because I totally need a cheese maker in my house. (You heard me Sandra--so when that black bag flies over your head and someone shoves you in the back of a van, go peacefully. I promise eternal servitude will be awesome.)

Way to go those of you who guessed right! You are officially human lie detectors. And the winner is: 


Yay, Madeleine! 

And now who wants to WIN?

I've been stock piling blog awards for a couple months, and it's time to purge. First, from the ever-generous, super supportive and cheese deserving S.A. Larsen--and thank you TONZ for these: 


These two have pretty much the same guidelines. 

1. Display the Award Certificate on your website. 
2. Link to whoever presented your award. 
3. State 7 things about yourself.
4. Present the award to 7 deserving bloggers.
5. Notify nominees.
6. Post 7 interesting things about yourself.

This third one is a bit different. 

1. Thank the Super Sweet Blogger that nominated you.
2. Answer 5 super sweet questions.
3. Post the award.
4. Nominate a bakers dozen (13) bloggers.
5. Notify your nominees. 

And if that weren't enough, the super suspense writer,  Michelle Wallace was kind enough to nominate me for this one. (You rock, Michelle!)

The only rule is to pass it on to 10 to 12 other amazing bloggers. 

So here's how this is going down. I'm going to give 7 facts about myself and answer 5 questions. PLEASE tell me something completely random about you in the comments. Anyone who mentions their favorite cheese will be entered to WIN a free ebook of your choice (also known as $5 at Amazon). If you mention your favorite cheese AND guess the magic # I'm thinking of (how many mind-readers are out there?) you win. Period. (I'll give you a hint, it's more than 1 and less than 500.) The winner will be announced next Wednesday.  


1. I'm an accent chameleon. If I hear it, I can speak it. (And probably will. Unintentionally.) 
2. Along those lines, I sing anything from first soprano (burst-your-eardrums high) to tenor. 
3. My first blind date was with my amazing husband. 
4. I still delightedly answer to the nickname of "chicken."
5. I despise politicians. All politicians. Everywhere. (Sorry, politicians.)
6. One of my favorite places to live was Yellowstone National Park. 
7. My debut book will be available for purchase some time in the next six months. (Squee!)

My Super Sweet Questions:   
  1. What is your favorite dessert?  Creme Brulee
  2.  Cake or ice cream? Ice Cream. Hands down.
  3. When do you like desserts most?  Truth? Most the time I can do without dessert. 
  4. Would you choose cookies or cake? Definitely cookies. 
  5. Vanilla or chocolate? Vanilla.
And now the nominees (And seriously, there were about 50 others I wanted to include!): 

Dragon's Loyalty: 
Shine on: 
Super Sweet Blogger: 
Sisterhood of World Bloggers: 
Okay, hit me with your randomness!!! 


  1. Not sure if I believe that you can sing Tenor to Soprano, but it's AWESOME if you can. ^_^

    On that uh... note... You once (loooooooong ago) asked me what sort of soprano I sing. I STILL don't know. My range is huge and my sound varies. Although from the volume I can make (singing choirs dead without a microphone loud) we're assuming I'll be a dramatic soprano one day.

    1. Oh, but I can. You have to realize, I've been a vocal performer for, oh, my entire life.

      Misha, that's awesome. You must have a kick-trash diaphragm.

    2. Seriously awesome! Your skills, not my diaphragm. It's probably the fittest muscle in my body, though. ;-)

  2. How awesome that you met your husband on a blind date. That's so romantic! And you lived in Yellowstone? You must do a blog post about this someday :)

    My favorite cheese is Swiss. Original I know.

    As far as something random, I was convinced I had contracted rabies once as a kid and began reading everything on it and ended up developing a bat phobie because of it LOL.

    1. Rabies! That's awesomesauce. I mean, I'm sure it wasn't at the time, but wow. Too cool.

      We have a Swiss fan, ladies and gentlemen!

  3. Thank you so much for the shine on award, will have to give the seven random things some thought, but for now, I met my husband when I was fifteen and he was twenty-one and I would have married him on the spot, he was so fine in so many ways. My favorite cheese, that's harder than the random question, so many to choose from, but for today lets go with an extra sharp cheddar. Number pick- 37

    1. LOL. Fifteen, huh? I met mine at 16 and I thought that was early. The real question is, what did he think of you? ;P

  4. Thanks, Crystal! And a random thing about myself?

    I have no fashion sense whatsoever. If I need to buy a nice outfit, I need to take someone with me or let the salesclerk pick stuff out.

    I am fashion blind.

    1. LOL! You would love shopping with my mom. She's totally the type who gathers and shoves you into a changing room to model 50,000 different outfits.

  5. I could do without politicians, too. I truly wonder if any of them actually really want to do some good. *shakes head*

    Congrats to Madeleine!

    And thanks for the lovely blog award, it's very pretty! *wanders off thinking about my 7 things*

    1. As writers are prone to do... Looking forward to reading them!

  6. Huge congrats on all your awards! And thank you for passing it on to me. Very sweet of you!

    Hmm, random about me... I like bubbles!

    1. Yay! Bubbles. I do too--except when I blow too many of them for my kids and accidentally inhale some of the soap. Not so pleasant.

  7. Thanks so much for the award. You're so sweet. And sweet that you met your husband on your first blind date. My random fact: I met my husband in India and my daughter (adopted) in China.

    1. So cool--world traveler, you. I'm in serious envy, of the traveling, not the hubby or kid. I've got my own. ;)

  8. Thank you so much for the award. Congratulations for receiving quite a few yourself, as they are all very well deserved. I think it is really sweet that you met your husband on your first blind date.

  9. thanks crystal--it probably wasn't my first blind date, but i met my husband on one too----maybe that's my random thing--or no----my nickname used to be "raw"---only at home with my sisters, actually it was a character's name i was given :)

  10. I actually like cheese made from sheep's milk a lot :)

    Thanks for the award, Crystal!

    1. Crazy. I totally go for goat cheese, but sheep? Hm. Must investigate...

  11. Thank you for the blog award! :)

    Cheese: Mozzarella

    Number: 72

    Random fact: I met my husband back during college orientation as we were both trying to get out of taking the math requirement. :)

    1. LOL. That speaks volumes about you and your hubby. LOVE it!

  12. Thanks for the award!

    Something random about me.... Oh, I know, I can sing the theme songs to a wide variety of 80s cartoons.

  13. Awe, thank you for the Super Sweet Blogger Award.

    Random fact? I have a truce with spiders.

    Cheese? Havarti sooo delicious. Wrap it around a stalk of celery and nom nom.

    1. I can't blame you. Havarti is pretty scrumptious.

  14. Congrats on all of the awards and thank for passing one on to me :D :D

    Something random about me... hmmmm... I used to be terrified of vampires when I was little, and to this day I still can't sleep well unless my neck is covered (out of habit, not b/c I'm afraid somebody will come take a nighttime snack from it).

    Favorite cheese: Brie!

    1. Julie--LOL! I was the same way as a kid, minus the neck thing. ;)

  15. Thanks, I think, for the blog award.

    You want to hear something random? Yikes. The pressure... I don't think I'm going to eat lunch today. I haven't had lunch in a few days, as lately I've been eating breakfast closer to noon.

    Cheese: well, I grew up in a household with very little cheese (my mother can't stand it, so she never cooked with it), so I never really developed a taste for it. Which is why I prefer Swiss (very mild).

    Number? Yikes. When confronted with a random number, must always go with the answer to life, the universe, and everything--42.

    1. You poor, deprived child! I need to give your mother a stern talking to. *grumpy face*

  16. Thanks for the award Crystal. I will pass it on. Loved reading about you.
    Random fact? I married my childhood sweetheart when I was 19 and we are still together ... and boy does he love cheese!

    1. Aw. Guess what? I was 19 too when I married my Mr. Wonderful. And hey, if your guy loves cheese, he must be a keeper.

  17. Thank you, Crystal! You're Super Sweet :)

  18. I did not know about your writerly Wednesday's. What fun!

  19. Hey congrats on your awards and upcoming book release! Cool beans!
    And thanks so much for passing one on to me. I lurve it. :D
    Ok let's see ...

    * random fact about me: I despise nail polish and never wear it.
    * Fave cheese is brie
    * I guess your thinking of 347

    1. I never wear nail polish either, but that might be because I fear the brain damage induced by the fumes. N-asty!

  20. Congrats, Madeleine Sara!

    Wow, you've been collecting awards like a bee collects honey. Thanks for passing an award on to me.

    I love creme brulee too. But not as much as cheese.

    1. Mmmm. Creme brulee--especially with fresh raspberries...

  21. Thank you so much. I don't have that award.

  22. Random? I worship the ocean (which is where I am now, on vacay. My fave cheese is super-sharp cheddar. Thanks for the award! And marrying your blind date is romantic!

    1. Yay! We have ocean all around and beaches aplenty, but do we ever get out to visit them? *hangs head* Shameful, right?

  23. Cake! Hands down!
    (Sorry, had to disagree with you on that one ;-))
    Thank you for the award :-)
    My fave cheese treat at the moment is brie with fig preserve. LOVE!

    1. Rachel, you can love cake. That's fine. You can have the cake. (Takes all kinds, right?)

  24. Yay! I love getting awards! Even if, like you, I tend to stockpile them for months. Having a big blow-out like this might be a really great idea for me...
    Ok- here we go:
    Favorite Cheese: Vermont Cheddar (the sharper the better). Why? Well a) because it tastes really good and b)because I went to college in Vermont so there's sentimental value to it.
    And a number between 1 and 500? Oy! Here's a totally random one: 367. No way I guessed it, but fun to try!

    1. It's a dangerous process, this stockpiling, Never know when the stack will tumble over and bury you.

  25. Thank you so much for the Shine On award!!
    Oh, and I'm terrible at accents. When I try to do an accent I sound Indian, even if I'm trying to do an Irish accent, or even French! hahahaha. Consequently I try to avoid doing accents ;)
    Oh, and my favourite cheese is any Blue Brie.

    1. oh and the number you are thinking is 111 (well, you are now! hehehe)

    2. Accents can be tricky. It did actually take me a year to get a french accent down, although Spanish, Irish, English, Italian, Scottish, Indian, Australian and Russian just sort of happened. Still trying to nail down he particulars of German.

      Great guess on the number, and you're right--after the fact I am thinking of 111--but that doesn't count! (Nice try.) ;P

  26. Thanks for the award Crystal. I'll leave it here at your place, and collect it when I'm ready to post. Is that cool?
    Oh the random fact about me - I'm a natural alto!
    You have no.# 6 on your mind... and how about mozzarella cheese sprinkled over a scrumptious bowl of steaming pasta? Yummy!
    Writer In Transit

    1. Mmm... You're making me hungry. And yay for singers! ;)

  27. Oooh, thanks for the award.

    My favourite type of cheese is cheesecake. Really creamy cheesecake with a cholatety base and passion fruit on top. (My random fact is I like cake!)

    The number is 22

    1. Mmm. We hit the Cheesecake Factory with embarrassing regularity and have tried every variety on the menu. I LOVE cheesecake too.

  28. Thanks for the sweet award, Crystal! Fascinating--you being an accent chameleon! NOT something I can do. Random fact about me...I won fourth place in a high school district competition for shorthand. :)

    Um, your number is 123. Fave cheese? Argh, I have to choose? Cheese is good on ANYTHING. Offhand I'd say cheddar, but I do love a slice of Swiss on a sandwich. Pepper jack is awesome too. (see--it's impossible to choose LOL)

    1. I've never learned shorthand, but I imagine it would be fun. Of course, I know who to go to if I need to get something written asap. ;)

      If someone asked my favorite cheese, I'd be in much the same situation. I think the only way to handle the awesomeness of cheese is to stock 10 varieties at all times.

  29. Oh wow that is amazing. Thank you! How exciting. I have a family crisis happening with our 3 remaining elderly parents in a bad way, so apols for being quiet. Thanks again x

    1. Oh no! Madeleine, sending positive thoughts, energy, and virtual cheese your way. At least you'll have a free book to take your mind off things when you need a break, eh?

  30. Thanks for the award, Crystal. Bit late responding, just got back in range of reliable Internet.

    Random fact: I love cooking curry.
    Favorite cheese: Jarlsberg.

  31. Wow, so many blog awards! Thanks for nominating me for the sisterhood one. Hopefully I won't forget to participate, since I have a bad habit of falling behind on awards and memes like this!

  32. Aww.. thanks for this lovely award Crystal :)
    so sorry for taking so long time to respond.. now I'm free from exams... will visit more often then usual :P


Hit me with your cheese!