Wednesday, April 24, 2013

How to Find Happiness A-Z: U

In the car today, a strange thought hit me: no one can 100% identify with another person's childhood experiences. No matter how similar our lives may be, you have not walked in my shoes, and I have not walked in yours. That makes you...

...completely UNIQUE!

Understanding how unique you are should instill a sense of how incredibly special you are--and I'm not talking in a derogatory way here. What makes you you is completely impossible to duplicate. Do you know how amazing that makes you?

No, seriously. I want  you to think about it. You have a unique finger print. No one in the entirety of existence has the same skin pattern. It's not something you have to strive for. You just are. --But you're so much more complicated than a fingerprint. Think of all the life experiences you've had, the successes, the failures, the losses, the growth...

Picture courtesy of Juliancolton2
It's the parable of the snowflake. No two are alike. As they tumble through the air aimed for the ground, unique winds, temperatures and humidity help to shape them, but they might also latch onto a fellow floater for a time. They might break away from a larger grouping. They might reach out to feel the fullness of the world around them, or huddle in close and pummel faster. Some crack or lose pieces on way down, but they are no less fascinating. Each break tells a story, and each snowflake is beautiful.

You don't have any reason to bow down to others. What's shaped you is different than what's shaped them--different, not better or worse. Someone else being subjected to your life experiences might completely crumble. Just like the character in a story, you are a product not just of your circumstances, but of the decisions you've made along the way, and no one else would have made exactly the same choices.

How awesome are you?


  1. Love this post. Being unique is the most important thing about a person.

    1. I tend to think it's what we do with that uniqueness, but that works too. ;)

  2. Very uplifting. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Everyone is unique. It's we that forget the uniqueness in us, and goes behind the crowd.

    Great post! :)

  4. This is such a great way to look at it. :)

  5. The snowflakes photo beautifully illustrates the subject, and the saying that each of us are different yet all beautiful.

    1. Because it's true, right? I always thought if you didn't like someone, you just didn't know them well enough. There's something to like about anyone.

  6. great encouragement today---not feeling too unique--or good about my uniqueness, so thanks!!!

  7. This is lovely. I know people talk about the snowflake effect all the time, but sometimes, it's important to stop and recognize how true it is.

    1. Ooh, that reminds me of my L post, on listening. =)

  8. The only person who can do the job of being you is you. :) Excellent post!

    Happy A-Z!

  9. As Holley Gerth says, "You're Already Amazing"! Beautiful illustration with the snowflakes.

  10. Great post, really made me think. I love that word unique!

    1. The phrase at the beginning--"You're unique, just like everyone else," that was one of my high school mantras. Crazy the things that stick with us, eh?

  11. Awesome photo, but it made me cringe, we just heard we're in freeze warning again for tonight...everyone's flowers are in danger of freezing. Loved the post, we are indeed unique, used to see a saying, I'm as special as I can be, cause there's nobody quite like me.


    1. Nice.

      Apologies about the freeze, but you are always welcome to hit my corner of the world where snowflakes are basically a myth. (Florida.) Here's hoping your flowers survive!

  12. I love your point. Every person is an individual being with their own experiences.

  13. I wrote about the same thing today :D

  14. I love the theme of your blog. I've been sitting here reading all of the entries.

  15. Crystal thanks for the inspiration. I needed it today. Lots going on. :P

    Mary from

  16. I feel a bit more awesome now! Plus the chances of you being here are billions to one! Thanks Crystal!

  17. I need to tell you, your blog is really what I need at this time of my life. Everything I have been reading tonight is exactly what I needed to read, and has helped me re-determine to better things, and to look at things in a different light. Thank you so much for following the inspiration to write these things.

    1. I'm glad to be of service. Chin up, you're doing great, Amy. =)


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